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This photo was taken in the Solomon Islands of a group of young children diving on the reef around their village. These communities rely on the health of their reefs for survival.




To collect and share vital environmental data from the near shore, and reef zones, allowing scientists the ability to better understand changes affecting these critical habitats. 

Any recreational or professional diver can become a citizen scientist in seconds!
All you need to do is: Wear | Dive | Hero

Divers will enjoy increased diver safety and a combined dive log and social media app to share their dive experience with friends and family as well as viewing the data collected around the world. 

All of this will be made possible by our wearable sensor device: Oceans Eye. 




Sea Crowd Presents

Oceans Eye will collect scientific grade environmental data as you dive. With an array of sensors housed within a waterproof casing, we can record very precise conditions that play a vital part in understanding and predicting ocean health. Very little is known about the health of  our coastal reef systems globally.


Sea Crowd will solve this by unleashing an army of citizen scientist divers across all regions of the ocean collecting and sharing vital oceanic data.

We are developing the worlds most comprehensive and innovative dive companion. Matching science and technology on a social platform we will deliver the industries most in-depth user friendly dive log app that syncs seamlessly to your Oceans Eye. 

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With a greater knowledge and understanding of our coastal health, we have the ability to illuminate the growing threat to these ecosystems. We aim to gather an ongoing and real time data set of environmental conditions. The data that is collected, will be shared with the scientific community and environmental agencies.


Our goal is to identify areas in need of further protection, or identify areas of health and stability that we can learn from.


The data will be used as an educational tool for future generations ensuring that for generations to come, we all have a healthy vibrant ocean to enjoy.   

*Oceans Eye is still in production and testing. 

For more information on how you can be involved, Click Here


How It Works

  • Pare your Oceans Eye to your smart device phone/tablet.

  • Attach Oceans Eye to your dive equipment. Once attached you don't need to remove it.

  • Ocean Eye is water activated so it will automatically turn on when you enter the water. 

  • As you dive Oceans Eye will automatically collect data and store this information on its internal storage device.

  • When you surface, Oceans Eye will locate your position via GPS.

  • As soon as you are in Bluetooth range of your smart device, Oceans Eye will transfer your dive information. Multiple dive profiles will be stored on your Oceans Eye and can be uploaded when in range of your smart device if you do not have it with you after the dive. 

  • Open the Oceans Eye App on your smart device and view your dive(s). From here you can add more information about your dive site, the operator you are using, the boat you are on, additional weather conditions, invite friends to see your dive or import your buddy's dive profile next to yours. 

  • If you have been taking photos with a camera that has Bluetooth you can also upload these images and they will appear on your dive profile in the place you took them. This can be a great tool if you go back to the same dive site often, by taking photos of the area you can compare them over time. 

  • When you get back into wifi range, your data will be sent to our cloud servers where the environmental data you have collected can be analysed and shared with the scientific community. 

How it Works
Resort Partners

We are looking for Resort Partners who would like to be an Oceans Eye distributor. Contact us by clicking the link below and we will send you information on how to be involved. 

Dive Partners

Calling all divers! We are looking for early adopters to help us test Oceans Eye. If you want to help us out please send us a message and we will let you know when the first units are ready to test. 

Join Us
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